Home - Gen-Fab

Gen-Fab UK is expert in the steel fabrication welding industries. We offer Laser Cutting, Steel Fabrication and Sheet Metal Fabrication.


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We identified that a lone root page on gen-fab.co.uk took three thousand one hundred and six milliseconds to stream. Our web crawlers could not detect a SSL certificate, so therefore our crawlers consider this site not secure.
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Home - Gen-Fab


Gen-Fab UK is expert in the steel fabrication welding industries. We offer Laser Cutting, Steel Fabrication and Sheet Metal Fabrication.


This domain gen-fab.co.uk has the following in the site, "Mild Steel Fabrication, Stainless Steel Fabrication, Laser Profiling, and Press Work." Our analyzers observed that the webpage also stated " Gen-Fab has been providing a comprehensive range of high quality steel fabrication services for over 30 years to customers throughout the UK." The Website also stated " Gen-Fab uses state-of-the-art laser cutting equipment to cut mild steel, stainless steel, aluminium, titanium and nickel alloys to the highest quality. Gen-Fab Limited are laser cutting, fabrication and metalwork specialists." The website's header had steel fabrication as the most important keyword. It was followed by sheet metal fabrication and laser cutting which isn't as highly ranked as steel fabrication.


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